Jason Moore (186)

How To Make The Jump To System Administrator

Making the jump to system administrator in the Windows world can eventually be one of the highest paying jobs in the IT industry. It is quite worthwhile to be working on this. It is a different skill set than fixing computers like the help desk people. There are many who have trouble making the jump though. Here are the things you need to work on for this job title!

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Beginning C++: Making Decisions

Making decisions is one of the fundamental activities in any program. Data has to be compared and conditions will have to be evaluated. This is usually the second stage in learning how to program. C++ is just our tool. Regardless, this is one of those concepts that you need to know really well. It will be applied everywhere.

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Beginning C++ : Input and Output Basics

This is my guide for students just starting with beginning C++. Programming in general is not the easiest thing to do. With just a little effort it can be easy to pick up. I cover the essential basics here with lots of examples.

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