Markdown Introduction
These are my notes on markdown intro.
Markdown is a light markup language. It uses plain text and is meant to format
documents quickly. Readability is its main tenet. It does a little of what HTML
does but it is not a replacement. It has much fewer tags for formatting. In
fact, if markdown lacks anything you need, you can just use HTML for it.
You create different headings by prefacing them with hashes.
# header 1
## header 2
### header 3
and so on
Bold Text
Surround text you want bold with two asterisks.
**bold text**
To make certain text italic, surround it with one asterisk.
*italic text*
Bold and Italic
To make somethign bold and italic at the same time, use 3 asterisks.
***bold and italic text***
To show a strikethrough, surround text in 2 dashes.
--strikethough text--
Backslash Escape
This prevents markdown from using a character as an instruction.
\# this is not a heading
There is nothing special on how to make a paragraph, just put text on separate
Line Breaks
A line break is the end of one line and the beginning of another. To force a
line break, place two or more empty spaces at the end of a line and press enter.
Blockquotes can contain a large amount of text that is separated from the main
> This is a blockquote
Nested Block Quoting
You can nest blockquotes, which is useful in some situations.
> this is a line
>> this is another line
>>> this is a third line, all nested
Ordered List
You just use numbers to make an ordered list.
1. first
2. second
3. third
Unordered List
This is otherwise known as a bulleted list.
- item
- item
- item
To place a hyperlink, just use the address.
If you want to rename your link, do this...
[click to go to my website](https://aindien.com)
Separating Code
You can separate code from the rest of your text.
It is useful when you want to highlight your code.
This will mark inline code for you.
`inline code`
A block of code is done like this:
Block of code
Lastly, to save your document with the markdown formatting, name your file like