How To Troubleshoot Axis Cameras
This article is on troubleshooting the various issues we might encounter when dealing with Axis cameras. It will grow and be updated as needed.
Check The Hardware
Most types of hardware have indicator lights. These lights are status lights and will tell you if anything is wrong right at the start. The lights can vary, but in most types of hardware, a green light shows everything is good. However, a red light usually tells you that something is wrong. Anything in between varies with the hardware manufacturer, so check their documentation. Check the lights, though.
Make sure they have a steady connection. You will want a wired connection if it is available. If you have to use wireless, disconnect it, then restart the device. Reconnect back to it when the device comes back up. This sequence of events will reset things as much as possible.
Get your device closer to an access point, if possible. It could try to connect to something farther away than intended. This is often a problem with mobile devices because it is their nature to roam.
If you are having trouble accessing the camera, see if you can ping it or access the camera’s web page with its IP address. This will give you a starting point.
Login Issues
There are a few things we can try here. One of the first things to do is clearing the cache of the browser that you are using, then restart that browser.
Make sure the browser you are using is updated. Cameras and their software will often have recommended browsers for use with their products. This is because it is what they tested with. So, use their recommended browser if at all possible.
If you are still having issues, go back to your original setup email sent from your admin. This will give you credentials that you can use to get back to the correct portal. Then you just follow the setup prompts.
Camera Updates
You will want to check for any firmware updates for the cameras. As with any product, updates often fix issues. So, make sure this is done regularly.
This is just a small list of ideas to check if you are having issues with your Axis camera. I will update this document as needed when additional issues occur.